lunes, 20 de febrero de 2023

Make Small Talk

Having small talks is essential for our communication, because if we are in a foreign country we know how to ask where the bathroom is, where we can take the bus or how to order a plate of food. But for all of the above you need to ask for our names. In the last class, Professor Daneris, taught us how we can have a small talk, words and questions that we can use or replace the usual or very common.

Questions like: ¿do you mind if i call you sara?, we can replace those for these: 

  • ¿would it be rude to call you Sara? 
  • ¿What would you like me to call you? 
  •  This in order to have a small fluent talk .
Thus, we leave the routine talks and we can speak more fluently and be able to understand each other better with native people.

But, if we are in a strange country we must know how to behave , that's why we learned what a "etiquette" was. Which is a polite and friendly way to explain to someone how to behave in another country. The professor took Thailand and a temple like this as an example: 

He showed us how to greet in this country, and continuing with the same theme, enter the Tag question

Tag questions: Are small phrases or questions (mini-questions) that are placed at the end of an affirmative or negative sentence and that usually aim to confirm or deny the content of the sentence itself.


Natural disasters--Direct and indirect speech

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