domingo, 23 de abril de 2023

Reading for pleasure


GRAMMAR: I learned how to describe a book and classify it by genre, according to how it is written:  

This would be the most popular classification, dividing them into fiction or non-fiction and subdividing them, within these subdivisions we find;

-children's stories

- magazines 

- science books 

- geography 

- social science books

- utobiographies, etc.

These books can be liked or disliked and for this we can use expressions such as: 


  • I can't get enough of them 

  • Can't put it down          

  • real page-turner                                                                                                                                                               


  • Can't get into it 

  •  Aren't my thing

  •  They put me to sleep

viernes, 14 de abril de 2023

vocabulary unit 3

 To finish unit number 3 we work on a new vocabulary called: Planning and running an event. Below I will give you graphic examples of each of its meanings, ending with a video of a conversation about it. 

- send  out the announcement to send it to print

set up 

put up the signs

check the sound system
microphone/ mike 
handheld mike 
lapel mike 
handout the agenda 
introduce the speaker 

video conversation 

Natural disasters--Direct and indirect speech

  Natural disasters Are dangerous events that cause fatalities and/or serious damage beyond the ability of society to respond, For example: ...