miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2023

Natural disasters--Direct and indirect speech

 Natural disasters

Are dangerous events that cause fatalities and/or serious damage beyond the ability of society to respond, For example: 


Forest fires.






It is a meteorological phenomenon that occurs in the lower atmosphere and consists of a large funnel-shaped eddy. Its maximum diameter reaches approximately 1,000 kilometers and can reach 10 kilometers in height. It is capable of producing winds with speeds of over 200 kilometers per hour with gusts of up to 400 kilometers per hour, causing heavy rains.

The scale with which the intensity of hurricanes is measured is known as Saffir-Simpson, and it divides these natural phenomena into 5 categories according to the speed of their winds and the storm surge, which is an abnormal increase in sea level. after a storm.

Forest fires
It is a phenomenon that occurs when one or several combustible materials in forests, jungles and other types of areas with vegetation are consumed in an uncontrolled way by fire, which can get out of control and spread very easily over large areas. The most common natural cause of forest fires is the use of fire in agricultural (35%) and livestock (20%) practices, causing the majority of forest fires, while 3% are caused by common gestures such as throwing cigarette butts to the ground, and 4% are due to acts of vandalism.

An earthquake is the sudden movement of the Earth, caused by the sudden release of energy accumulated over a long time. The Earth's crust is made up of a dozen plates approximately 70 km thick, each with different physical and chemical characteristics. These plates ("tectonics") are being accommodated in a process that takes millions of years and have been giving the shape that we know today to the surface of our planet, originating the continents and the geographical reliefs in a process that is far from complete. Usually these movements are slow and imperceptible, but in some cases these plates collide with each other like gigantic icebergs on an ocean of magma present in the depths of the Earth, preventing their movement. Then one plate begins to move over or under the other causing slow changes in topography. But if the displacement is difficult, a tension energy begins to accumulate that at some point will be released and one of the plates will move abruptly against the other, breaking it and then releasing a variable amount of energy that causes the Earthquake.

Richter scale magnitude Earthquake effects
Less than 3.5 Usually not felt, but registered

3.5 - 5.4 Often felt, but only deals minor damage.

5.5 - 6.0 Inflicts light damage to buildings.

6.1 - 6.9 It can cause severe damage in highly populated areas.

7.0 - 7.9 Major earthquake. Causes serious damage.

8 or greater Great earthquake. Total destruction to nearby communities.





Direct and indirect speech
When you are talking to someone you are normally using a direct speech, called in English direct speech. We use it daily and without realizing it. It is the simplest style of speech. For its part, the indirect style appears when we talk about what another has said.


  • Direct speech: “Where do they live?”
  • Indirect speech: You asked me where they lived.

  • Direct speech: “When are you leaving?”
  • Indirect speech: He asked us when we were leaving.

  • Direct speech: “How will they get here?”
  • Indirect speech: She asked me how they would get here.

domingo, 23 de abril de 2023

Reading for pleasure


GRAMMAR: I learned how to describe a book and classify it by genre, according to how it is written:  

This would be the most popular classification, dividing them into fiction or non-fiction and subdividing them, within these subdivisions we find;

-children's stories

- magazines 

- science books 

- geography 

- social science books

- utobiographies, etc.

These books can be liked or disliked and for this we can use expressions such as: 


  • I can't get enough of them 

  • Can't put it down          

  • real page-turner                                                                                                                                                               


  • Can't get into it 

  •  Aren't my thing

  •  They put me to sleep

viernes, 14 de abril de 2023

vocabulary unit 3

 To finish unit number 3 we work on a new vocabulary called: Planning and running an event. Below I will give you graphic examples of each of its meanings, ending with a video of a conversation about it. 

- send  out the announcement to send it to print

set up 

put up the signs

check the sound system
microphone/ mike 
handheld mike 
lapel mike 
handout the agenda 
introduce the speaker 

video conversation 

jueves, 30 de marzo de 2023


 GRAMMAR: the passive causative 

The passive is used when the focus is on the thing instead of the person. When you combine them together, you are essentially saying someone caused something to be done (by someone).



subject + BE/GET + Past participle 


Subject + have/let/make + object + base verb 


Subject + have/ get + object + past participle 


Passive: The test was taken by the student 

Causative: the teacher had the student take the test 



dry-clean a suit 

repair shoes 

frame a picture 

deliver a package

Getting thing done

what is getting things done?

five simple steps to a more productive life 

step 1

capture: Capture anything that crosses your mind - nothing is too big or small!These items go directly into your inbox. 

step 2 

clarify: Process what you've captured into clear and concrete action steps.
You'll decide if an item is a project, next action, or reference material.

step 3

organize: Put everything in the right place: Add dates to your calendar, delegate action items, file away reference materials, sort your tasks, and more. 

step 4 

review: Frecuently look over, update. and revise vour lists. Do smalier daily
reviews and bigger weekly ones. 

step 5 

engage: Get to work on the important stuff. Use your system to know exactly what to work on when


Procrastination is the action or habit of delaying activities or situations that must be addressed, substituting them for other more irrelevant or pleasant situations. Based on this definition, we can understand that those tasks that are most likely to be postponed are those that do not entertain us.



+ to allow or permit someone to do something

+to force or pressure someone to do something

+to aid someone in doing something

+o ask, instruct, or request someone to do something (making the person do something indirectly)

+to convince, coax, or encourage someone to do something


GET + person + infinitive (TO + V1)


-The students got the teacher to dismiss class early
- We couldn't get him to sign the agreement.
- Mark is so much in love with me, I can get him to do anything I want.

lunes, 13 de marzo de 2023

Modal verbs

Unidad 2: Medications ( a painkiller, cold tablets, cough medicine, an antihistamine ,ointment ,vitamins, a nasal spray / a decongestant etc)

We start with grammar, which in this lesson is learning to use the must to conclude, and the modal verbs may and migth. 


The pronunciation and usage is appreciated, and it is a song that I love. 





Medical procedures

a checkup

a shot 

an EKG

an X- ray 



cough medicine 


With this vocabulary it has been much easier for me when I get stressed out, for my medical training I am very interested in learning about this unit since it is something that I will see very regularly in the future.

sábado, 4 de marzo de 2023

perfect past

We use the auxiliary "had" to mention the action that occurred first in the sentence. I learned that in class with the help of some examples and exercises.

the songs have been very useful to understand a little more the structure and use of the past perfect

when she says "I had a dream" the past perfect is noted, so I learn a little more about how I can use and pronounce it

Natural disasters--Direct and indirect speech

  Natural disasters Are dangerous events that cause fatalities and/or serious damage beyond the ability of society to respond, For example: ...