jueves, 30 de marzo de 2023

Getting thing done

what is getting things done?

five simple steps to a more productive life 

step 1

capture: Capture anything that crosses your mind - nothing is too big or small!These items go directly into your inbox. 

step 2 

clarify: Process what you've captured into clear and concrete action steps.
You'll decide if an item is a project, next action, or reference material.

step 3

organize: Put everything in the right place: Add dates to your calendar, delegate action items, file away reference materials, sort your tasks, and more. 

step 4 

review: Frecuently look over, update. and revise vour lists. Do smalier daily
reviews and bigger weekly ones. 

step 5 

engage: Get to work on the important stuff. Use your system to know exactly what to work on when


Procrastination is the action or habit of delaying activities or situations that must be addressed, substituting them for other more irrelevant or pleasant situations. Based on this definition, we can understand that those tasks that are most likely to be postponed are those that do not entertain us.



+ to allow or permit someone to do something

+to force or pressure someone to do something

+to aid someone in doing something

+o ask, instruct, or request someone to do something (making the person do something indirectly)

+to convince, coax, or encourage someone to do something


GET + person + infinitive (TO + V1)


-The students got the teacher to dismiss class early
- We couldn't get him to sign the agreement.
- Mark is so much in love with me, I can get him to do anything I want.

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