jueves, 30 de marzo de 2023
Getting thing done
what is getting things done?
step 1
capture: Capture anything that crosses your mind - nothing is too big or small!These items go directly into your inbox.
step 2
step 3
step 4
step 5
+ to allow or permit someone to do something
+to force or pressure someone to do something
+to aid someone in doing something
+o ask, instruct, or request someone to do something (making the person do something indirectly)
+to convince, coax, or encourage someone to do something
lunes, 13 de marzo de 2023
Modal verbs
Unidad 2: Medications ( a painkiller, cold tablets, cough medicine, an antihistamine ,ointment ,vitamins, a nasal spray / a decongestant etc)
We start with grammar, which in this lesson is learning to use the must to conclude, and the modal verbs may and migth.
sábado, 4 de marzo de 2023
perfect past
We use the auxiliary "had" to mention the action that occurred first in the sentence. I learned that in class with the help of some examples and exercises.
the songs have been very useful to understand a little more the structure and use of the past perfect
Natural disasters--Direct and indirect speech
Natural disasters Are dangerous events that cause fatalities and/or serious damage beyond the ability of society to respond, For example: ...
To finish unit number 3 we work on a new vocabulary called: Planning and running an event. Below I will give you graphic examples of each o...
Natural disasters Are dangerous events that cause fatalities and/or serious damage beyond the ability of society to respond, For example: ...
what is getting things done? five simple steps to a more productive life step 1 c apture: Capture anything that crosses your mind - nothing...